Local number call forwarding (outbound)
Softphone calls (inbound)
Toll free number / Fax number rental
Toll free call forwarding (outbound)
Toll free calls softphone (inbound)
Onboarding call with specialist
Worldwide tracking numbers
Record and download calls
Port numbers (US/Canada only)
Online/Offline Ad tracking
Calls matched to web visitor and ad click
Click to call Ads / Ad extensions
Play whispers to callers and agents
Estimated wait time announcements
Hold patterns (music on hold, voiceover)
Auto dialer (progressive)
Customize softphone actions
Live call listen & end call options
Live Chat (Per license pricing)
Call & chat load balancing
Configure missed chat rules
Internal chat for agents and teams
Two-factor authentication
Opt out lists for calls and texts
Automatic redaction of personal data
Caller Insights premium caller ID
Transcriptions with keyword spotting
Encrypted call recordings
High Volume Concurrent Calls (CPS)
Image obscenity detection for MMS
View website visitor data for calls
Tracking source accuracy reports
Live call center agent dashboard
Google Ads Direct Connect
Google Marketing Platform