Who we are

The power of teamwork

Behind every great human achievement, there is a team.

From lending and real estate, to retail and entertainment, our products help teams all over the planet advance humanity through the power of software.

Our mission is to help unleash the potential of every team.

about us power of teamwork

We :love: teams

Companies use Bipath's products to empower their teams and drive their missions forward.

We take 'Don't #@!% the Customer' seriously because our customers are the reason why we do what we do. It's even why we price our products so every company can afford them. They inspire us, challenge us, and in turn, help us build better products.

What we believe

Values to live by

Behind every great human achievement, there is a team.

Our unique values describe, at the most fundamental level, what we stand for. These five values shape our culture, influence who we are, what we do, and even who we hire. They're hard-wired into our DNA and will stay the same as we continue to grow.