Can I cancel my subscription at anytime?

All monthly subscriptions can be cancelled at anytime. If you are are on an annual pre-paid subscription then you may also cancel, and your access will expire at the end of your 1 year term

Can I change my plan later on?

Yes, you may change your plan at anytime by contacting our support team.

Will you renew my subscription automatically?

Yes, your subscription will be automatically renewed either monthly or yearly.

Do you offer any discounts?

Yes!  We offer a rather large discount on our services for those who opt for the Large Teams plan over the Small Teams plan, but we know that is not for everyone.

Can I request a refund?

We do no offer refunds on our services

How do you bill me?

When you create your account, you will enter your credit card your credit card will be used to pay monthly access fees (IF you are not on the pay as you go plan) as well as any usage. We will calculate your total usage at the end of each business day and will then bill your credit card for that usage.

Where can I forward my calls?

You can forward your tracking numbers to one or multiple receiving numbers in a variety of patterns in over 90 countries around the world. You can forward to your office line, desk phone, cell phone, SIP endpoint or a computer using our browser based softphone. You can have them all ring at the same time or set-up sequential ringing so it will ring one and then the other. We offer many other ringing patterns as well such as geographic routing, IVR routing, call queues etc.

How many tracking numbers do I need?

If you are looking to track online advertising, for the most accurate results, we recommend 1 tracking number per 25 website visitors a day- meaning if your landing pages has 100 visitors a day we would recommend 4 tracking numbers. For tracking offline advertising sources you would only need 1 number per advertising channel, for example 1 number for radio and one number for TV. Many contact centers also purchase tracking numbers for each agent to be used as their outbound dialing number and direct call back number.

What if I already have numbers I want to keep?

No problem, this is a process called porting. We will gladly port over your already existing number into our system for no additional cost (USA and Canada only). You can start that process by reaching out to a member of our support team. It typically takes 2 – 4 weeks for the numbers to port over to us, but there should not be any downtime as the numbers port.