The Ultimate List of 40+ Must-Know Text Message Marketing Statistics in 2020

Michael Barnett
December 8, 2020
Call Tracking

Texting as we know it has seriously evolved since the first text message was sent in 1992. From a brief informal way to communicate with friends and family to a dynamic tool allowing pictures, emoji's and video.

At Bipath, we dedicate a lot of time to highlighting the ways you can use text message marketing for your business as a way to inform your current and future customers about your products, or merely as a tool to alert about updates and changes. So today, we thought it might be helpful to take things even deeper, doing the research that you dont have the time or likely the want to do. The result was 40-plus stats about text/SMS message marketing that’ll likely convince you to focus more on this tool as a way for your business to generate more leads, and create happier more informed customers. This article is the perfect companion to our "Text Message Marketing, The New Kid on The Block in 2020 [Infographic]."

To that end, we scoured our industry sources for the most recent case studies, polls, and censuses to find out more about the current state of text and SMS marketing.

SMS Marketing Statistics

1. Opting In: 48.7 million people actively choose to receive SMS messages from companies

According to Text Local, 23% more people are receiving SMS from companies in 2020 than in 2016. Getting customers to opt-in to marketing texts almost guarantees they'll read what you have to say.

2. Phone Obsessed: On average, Americans check their phones 47 times, daily.

The above stat was provided by the Journal of Accountancy. This means that not only are text messages more personalized, but your audience is glued to this lucrative marketing channel.

3. Accessible and Available: Smartphone and internet access are both limited. Alternatively, 5 billion people worldwide can send and receive a text/SMS from almost anywhere.

This Contact Cloud statistic proves that every member of your target-market can receive your branded texts no matter their location. That's not the case with emails and social media messages.

4. Texts Can’t Be Ignored: SMS messages have a 209% higher response rate than emails, phone calls, or Facebook.

A shown by SMS Bump, if you want customers to engage with your brand, SMS is how to get it done.

5. Creating an Opening: The open rate for SMS messages is 98%.

Heed the words of The Daily Egg, whose research shows that if you take the time to send an SMS message to your audience, they’ll give your brand the time of day.

6. Immediate Impact: 90% of SMS messages get read in under 3 minutes.

Random Facts provided stats suggesting that you don’t have to wait for your subscribers to read your latest SMS-delivered marketing message, offer, or promotion.

7. No Wasted Energy: SMS-delivered coupons get used 10-times more than other coupon-types.

What’s the point of sending out coupons and special promotions if the bulk of recipients ignore them? Fortunately, according to EZ Texting, that’s not a problem when you deliver these offers via SMS message.

8. Skyrocketing Growth: Between 2015 and 2017, SMS Marketing increased by 92% for B2Cs and 197% for B2Bs.

Rebrand’s poignant statistic shows that businesses are taking SMS and text marketing seriously—which they should. It only makes sense to utilize strategies that generate conversions and engagement.  

9. Stoking a Burning Curiosity: 59% of consumers claim that they’ve been enticed to visit a store (online or brick and mortar) because they received an SMS promotional message.

Message Media gathered data showing that SMS/text messaging encourages customers to enter your business's front door, whether virtual or physical. If your website or retail establishment is insightfully laid out, conversions are all but guaranteed.

10. Subscribers Ad Nauseam: 7.9 billion people have subscriptions through their mobile devices.

This Ericsson statistic shows that people are open to opting into your SMS mailing list. All you have to do is ask, and you’ll have yourself a hyper-effective marketing channel.

11. Outshining Email: SMS open-rates eclipse emails by 5-times.

Adobe Blog points out that SMS's are opened 98% of the time, whereas emails are only at 20%. There is plenty of scheduling and other monitoring services that send both emails and SMS/text messages. The companies combining these methods know that people are way likelier to pay attention to a notification on their phones.

12. Authentic Content: While 50% of emails are spam, the same can be said for only 10% of SMS messages.

DSIM's research conveys an apparent reason why people are more responsive to SMS messages. Data laws make it more challenging to spam people through texts—recipients usually must be subscribers to receive branded mobile messaging.

13. Results that Speak for Themselves: Compared to email, SMS marketing campaigns perform 7-times better.

The above is another stat provided by DSIM and tells you everything you need to know. SMS and texts are a more targeted and convenient way for people to communicate with brands. Thus, it’s a more useful marketing channel than most alternatives.

14. Consumer Approval: Once they’ve opted into a subscription list, 75% of consumers have no issues with receiving branded SMS messaging.

LeadsBridge brings forth a stat that dispels the idea the customers don’t like branded messages. People are perfectly content receiving your offers, tips, promotions, and advertisements, as long as they’ve consented.

15. Polishing Brand Images: 60% of customers view brands positively when they send them text messages.

Above is an insight provided by It makes sense that texting is suitable for brand imaging. People appreciate being updated on deals and specials. After all, that's why they opted into your list.

16. Directly Driving Conversions: Half of all US consumers have made direct purchases after receiving an SMS branded text, discount coupon, or QR code.

Mobivity offers a statistic showing that SMS and text can be your best salesmen. Someone buying immediately after receiving a marketing message is how you generate an astronomical return on your time and money investments.

17. Functional Appeal: Almost 80% of people want to opt-in because they’re seeking out help with their shopping activities.

Through J&C’s research, it’s clear that utilizing SMS is actually giving consumers what they need to streamline their shopping and purchasing. It’s not just a marketing tool, but it’s outright customer service.

18. Touching Base with Businesses: 80% of people use text messaging to communicate with businesses.

The above stat is per Rebrandly. It shows – similar to the previous stat – that texting is being used as a service tool. Customers can use texts to conveniently book appointments, make inquiries, etc., without the hassle of a phone call or typing a longwinded email.

19. Positive Reinforcement: When consumers received marketing texts from a brand, they’re 40% likelier to convert than those that don’t.

This Text Better statistic speaks to the importance of staying top-of-mind with your base. Continual contact with customers makes them remember a brand when they require related products or services.

20. Stress Reduction: 50%-plus of consumers would rather interact with customer support over text than a phone call.

Here’s another Rebrandly statistic that shows we live in the era of text. People don’t like phone calls. Whereas text messages remove the anxiety and headaches that come along with them.  

21. Consumers Want More: Do you think you’re texting your customers enough? Well, think again. According to Text Better, 64% of consumers want to receive more texts from businesses.

22. An Essential Part of Life: Text Republic claims that 20% of Smartphone users can’t live without texts. Why not leverage this far-reaching consumer habit by using SMS/text marketing?

23. Opening Brands Up to Exciting New Worlds: On average, mobile marketers are 79% likelier to start incorporating different mobile-specific methods after implementing SMS marketing.

Gartner is the source for the above statistic that shows how SMS can be the mobile gateway for many brands.

In a nutshell, businesses see the light after the rousing success of their first SMS campaign.

24. Digging Deeper with Savvy Tactics: Branded short links earn up to 39% more clicks than generic short links.

This Rebrandly stat proves that merely using SMS isn’t going to max out your conversions. Instead, you must apply the relevant techniques specific to the method that drive engagement and encourage sales.

25. Connecting SMS/Text to a Vaster Network: Rich Communication Services (RCS) is a new trend that will tie together SMS with other chat apps. More specifically, according to GSMA, RCS will be worth $74 billion by 2021.

26. Keep it Simple: Over 35% of the world's mobile devices aren't equipped for advanced marketing technologies.

This stat provided by Ericsson highlights how accessible SMS and text messaging genuinely are. Sure, they might be seen as "primitive" technologies. Still, brands can guarantee that almost 100% of their client-base can be reached through these tactics.

27. Rapid Response: Research from GSMA shows the average person only takes 90 seconds to respond to a text. Meaning that responding to your messaging won’t be viewed as an inconvenience.

28. Lofty “Texpectations: ” Consumers want texts they can respond to. ZipWhip points out that ¾ customers are annoyed when they can’t respond to a business text due to limitations with related tools.

29. Success is Convenient: GSMA cites 59% of consumers preferring their messaging already incorporated via phone, not through a separate app. This preference makes SMS far more appealing since it's already built into a mobile device, making for more seamless opt-ins.

30. A Valuable Tracking Device: Research from Statista 2019 discusses how up to 8/10 consumers preferred using their mobile devices over other sources to track shipped items. During this process, they’d receive updates via SMS messages.

31. Cross-Industry Responsiveness: DSIM reports that within 15 minutes, the following industries possess the following SMS response rates:

Retail: 32%

  • Betting & Trading: 33%
  • Entertainment: 37%
  • Travel & Transportation: 54%
  • Finance & Banking: 57%

32. A Valuable Reminder: Studies from Statista 2019 show evidence that businesses sending SMS alerts reduced missed appointments by 26% for brands.

33. Adding Legitimate Value: 91% of subscribed branded SMS recipients view the messages as useful.

The above statistic from Salesforce shows that SMS messaging isn’t viewed as “fluff,” but a way to make a positive impact in your audience’s lives.

34. Gaining More Insight: 31% of consumers responding to SMS surveys. The average response is under six minutes.

The above number was gathered from, and it proves how quick and easy SMS branded messaging is. Customers are more than willing to provide feedback because the process is seamless.

35. Captivating the Masses: As per Retail Dive, SMS-generated engagement is 6 to 8-times higher for retailers than email campaigns.

36. The Preferred Choice of Loyal Customers: Research from eMarketer suggests that 48% of internet consumers prefer receiving loyalty-based communications through SMS instead of other sources.

37. Bringing More Value to Customer Loyalty: SMS Comparison says that 9/10 customers claim to have gained value from SMS loyalty programs.

38. Shining Light on Other Marketing Channels: 83% of marketers claim that promoting email subscription via SMS was successful, according to Salesforce.

39. It’s All About Savings: 77% of consumers said they subscribed to a company’s marketing texts so that they’d receiver offers and promotions.

Exact Target's statistic sheds light on consumers' universal truth – they're always looking for great deals. SMS is a straightforward, easily accessible method that helps your business leverage this customer behavior.

40. Customers Are Searching for Meaning: Research from Exact Target shows that 41% of consumers refused to opt-in to a brand's text messages due to a lack of meaningful content.

41. Untapped Potential: 61% of businesses have yet to implement SMS marketing into their strategy.

This alarming statistic comes from

The fact is that SMS and text messages have been around for multiple decades and stood the test of time. Hopefully, more businesses open their eyes to this untapped potential. Otherwise, they’ll miss opportunities to explore new and exciting revenue streams.  

42. The Number One Voice of Voiceless Communications: It’s been projected that by this year, 85% of interactions between brands and customers won’t involve physical speaking, according to CNBD.

Given how much more responsive consumers are to text and SMS, there’s reason to believe that these two channels will lead the charge in voiceless brand-to-customer communications. There is also a case to made for crafting  communication channels that fit yoru customers buying habits. How many millions of customers out there rather not talk to you but, instead would opt to communicate using their handheld device. We can guess, however you can read more about that here.

If you’re one of those businesses that have been hesitant to sink your teeth into text/SMS marketing, hopefully, these stats have convinced you to take the plunge.

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