Why your business needs text message marketing

Michael Barnett
October 27, 2020
Call Tracking

Timelessness is most associated with fashion sense, art, and other traditions passed from generation to generation.

Rare is it that mobile devices are part of the "timeless" conversation. Yet, the digital age has persisted long enough that some technologies will remain relevant for decades – if not centuries – to come.

As tech continues to evolve at lightning seeds, one of the more primitive tools, SMS messaging, is as viable as ever. Organizations, consumers, and professionals far and wide are immersed in this form of written mobile communication.

SMS is so prevalent in everybody's lives that businesses reap massive benefits from using this channel to reach their target markets. After all, texts are far less intrusive than a phone call, meaning potential customers won't be opposed to considering options.

In fact, 75% of consumers don’t mind receiving SMS messages from brands when opting in, thus it makes sense that text message marketing is the single highest converting marketing medium today. Moreover, SMS messages are opened 98% of the time and read within 3 minutes.

These communications have also proven fruitful for internal messaging within companies.

Interestingly, there hasn't been much to change with SMS throughout its lengthy existence. What has changed is how savvy businesses and their text message marketing experts leverage this technology and expand their strategies.

SMS Messaging Out-Performs Social MediaMarketing and Mobile Apps

Think about the differences in public discourse between text message marketing and social media marketing.

Social media is over-saturated, and the sentiments toward personalities and companies active on given platforms aren't all that positive. People tend to drown it out because it's so generalized and mindless.

Yes, someone might like a page or follow a brand—but beyond that, they don’t pay much attention.

Further illustrating this point is a 2019 study showing 2,500 respondents preferring to receive text message marketing ads over social media ads from brands.

The studies point out that only 12% of customers preferred using mobile apps and social media. Plus, not even half the consumers said they had a company’s mobile app on their phone’s home screen. Thus, they’re unlikely to bother reading messages through those channels.

On the other side of the spectrum, over 50% of consumers wish for businesses to SMS/text them back when they have a query. Meaning that whether it’s customer support or advertising, SMS fits the bill. To do this a business must use an application that allows for two way text message communication.

It is worth noting that text message marketing messages have a 209% higher response rate than the phone, email, or Facebook marketing messages.

Remain Informed in Real-Time

Marketing and customer interactions don’t comprise all potential facets involved in a business’s SMS framework.

SMS messaging makes for an incredibly useful problem-solving tool. Companies centered around servers, computers, and networks tend to benefit the most from this approach.

Let’s further illustrate the above notion:

Keeping networking equipment streamlined and functional requires continual updates on a given system's operational status. Webpages might crash, the email system could implode, servers might run amok, or there could be a cyberattack. Regardless of the catastrophe, tech teams can mitigate the issue ASAP when notified via SMS. This drastically reduces downtime.

SMS is a crucial line of defense in the above instances. Often, real-time mobile text updates still occur when the internet isn't working.

Services, such as web-based remote monitoring, can be managed via third-party tools track network equipment. It's possible to receive custom notifications that let teams know when something is wrong. They'll be made immediately aware of the problem via SMS, as long as they're in an area with cellular data.

SMS Eliminates the Need for Internet Connectivity In order to deliver your message

Cellular coverage is more readily available than Wi-Fi. Better yet, it doesn't need the internet to function and your target customers don't need to be on a computer nor accessing the web for your marketing to reach its target. One SMS message only accounts for 140 bytes of data. It is sent and received instantaneously in a concise message conveying all the relevant information.

Say that additional context is required. Links can be sent within the text message marketing message that open in a web browser or redirect mobile users to an app, landing page or website.

While email notifications have their place, they’re useless if networks experience outages. The same scenario rings true for other proprietary apps that a company might use for communications.

Something else to ponder is how 15% of the US population only uses regular phone features, ignoring the abundance of mobile features available to them. That means the people in question have no mobile apps store and limited internet access.

Consumer-facing businesses should cater to the needs of all customers. Sure, most mobile phone users have updated technology—but the smaller segment still must be reached. After all, the US consists of over 328 million people 15% of that number is over 49 million. That's over ten million more than the entire population of Canada.

SMS messaging is universal, even for the slower technology adopters. It’s the ideal backup plan for internal communications and having touch points with an entire client base.

It's Easy to Track SMS Message Results

When teammates need to find out who has accessed crucial information, SMS tracking indicates those who've read the text, who received the text or clicked on links sent to them.

SMS performance is easily monitored during marketing campaigns. Finding out if existing customers are responding, engaging, and converting to purchase products or services is straightforward because the analytics are readily available.

ROI is frequently tracked in SMS campaigns by pulling up open rates, interactions, costs, and incoming revenue.

Making Spam a Non-Factor

SMS inboxes don’t face the brunt of spam messaging, which can’t be said for emails. Every so often something might sneak through, but it’s few and far between.

Text message marketing is most commonly sent to people who've opted into a subscription. In the UK, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) prevents companies from managing consumer data unethically. Provided these rules are broken, offenders might be subject to millions of Euros in fines. The sanctions extend to businesses sending SMS messages to people who've yet to opt-in.

Additionally there are specific TCPA laws in the US that govern when transactional and marketing text messages are authorized.

There’s been a ripple effect in the US, with places such as California following suit.

But California’s law isn’t the only obstacle preventing spam from reaching SMS inboxes in the United States. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act provides similar safeguards.

Since customers are only receiving messages they are consenting to, it’s far likelier that they’ll engage with campaigns and capitalize on special offers.

Using Automated Technology for Customer Notifications

Due to the various streamlined technologies available with SMS messaging, it’s possible to cut back on the inefficient spending of time and money.

Gone are the old days where the only to send a text message were from a mobile phone, and in come the present where it’s possible to send text messages though means of automation. These technologies respond to specific prompts and behavioral triggers, conveying valuable information about appointments, promotions or any other status or information. It's also possible to share links and provide additional content when appropriate.

Again, social media and email can’t offer this kind of direct, immediate access to the consumers inbox. No matter the location of a recipient, it’s virtually guaranteed that messaging will reach its target.

Is your business yet to embrace SMS? It’s never too late to get started.

Some companies might be hesitant to take chances with new strategies and technologies.

Fortunately, SMS isn’t all that new, but it’s timelessly effective. It’s a proven tool for companies looking to streamline both their internal operations and marketing efforts.

We recommend Contact Cloud, which is the #1 SMS text messaging tool for business.

To continue your learning about SMS/Text messaging and its appropriateness for business marketing, check out a research based infographic that we put together.

We are also the creators of "The Ultimate List of 40+ Must-Know Text Message Marketing Statistics in 2020", check it out. It just might help you improve your business.